Watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in the magic will never find it. - Roald Dahl

Saturday, November 12, 2011

1920s Safari

1920s safari. full of colonial adventure, romance, khaki, big-game hunting, flowing mosquito nets floating over four-poster beds in white tents under vast expanses of star-studded ski, kilimanjaro looming in the background. teddy roosevelt, english aristocracy, and ernest hemingway. and i believed all was lost after the second world war..but here Scarlet and Sterling (my alter egos)  have found the romance and adventure of the safari

I hope you enjoyed this little advenure as much as I did.  And as for Scarlet and Sterling, those intrepid world travellers, they'll be back soon with another daring adventure to share........

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Green Fairy

"Absinthe is the aphrodisiac of the self. The green fairy who lives in the absinthe wants your soul. But you are safe with me." - Dracula

"Let me be mad...mad with the madness of Absinthe, the wildest, most luxurious madness in the world." - Marie Corelli


"After the first glass, you see things as you wish they were. After the second, you see things as they are not. Finally, you see things as they really are, and that is the most horrible thing in the world." - Oscar Wilde

Sunday, October 23, 2011

For one brief shining moment that was known As Camelot

Each evening, from December to December,
Before you drift to sleep upon your cot,
Think back on all the tales that you remember
Of Camelot.

Ask ev'ry person if he's heard the story,
And tell it strong and clear if he has not,
That once there was a fleeting wisp of glory
Called Camelot.

Camelot! Camelot!

Now say it out with pride and joy!

Camelot! Camelot!

Where once it never rained till after sundown,
By eight a.m. the morning fog had flown..
Don't let it be forgot
That once there was a spot
For one brief shining moment that was known
As Camelot.

Don't let it be forgot

That once there was a spot

For one brief shining moment that was known

As Camelot.

Friday, October 21, 2011

“When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, tis near Halloween.” (Author Unknown)